Organizers: Dr. Shadi Albarqouni, Helmholtz AI and TU Munich, Prof. Nassir Navab, Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures, and Prof. Daniel Rueckert, Chair for AI in Medicine, TU Munich
Tutors: Cosmin Bercea
Organizers: Dr. Shadi Albarqouni, Helmholtz AI and TU Munich, and Prof. Nassir Navab, TU Munich.
Announcements - 17-12-2020: The deadline to submit the blog post is moved to 1st. Feb. 2021.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Shadi Albarqouni
Class timing: The academic quarter is applied here! This means the lecture will start 15 minutes after the said time.
Course Description Machine Learning has gained a lot of momentum within development organizations that are actively looking for innovative solutions to leverage their data to identify new levels of understanding their operations and processes.