I had the pleasure to give an invited talk at the BioMedIA Lab in MBZUAI (Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence)! I had the pleasure to meet [Dr Mohammad Yaqub](https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohammad-yaqub), his group members and a few familiar faces in our community. Thanks, Mohammad!
Last week, I had the privilege of meeting Prof. Dr. Moez CHAFRA, President of the University of Tunis El Manar, and his esteemed colleagues. We had a productive discussion exploring potential collaborations, including the exciting possibility of organizing a Summer School on AI in Medicine in Tunisia, among other initiatives.
I had the pleasure to give a lecture at the [Health Data Science Principles (GD5301)](https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/subjects/modules/catalogue/?meta_modulecode=GD5301) course offered at St. Andrews University and interact with the briliant students there! Thanks to Prof. [Silvia Paracchini](https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/medicine/people/sp58/) from the School of Medicine for the great hospitality!
It was a pleasure moderating the Symposium on AI in Medicine and sharing our recent works, which have recently been accepted at hashtag#MICAD and hashtag#MICCAI Workshops! Thanks to the team members Sarah Schaab, David D. Gaviria, and Elyes Farjallah for their great efforts! Thanks to the co-moderator Prof. Valentin S. Schäfer, and the organizing team behind the MIB Future Panel; Lisa Mona Marie Senner, Prof. Frank G. Holz, and the dean, Prof. Bernd Weber, among others! Congrats to the winners!
I had the pleasure to give a talk at the DESAM Congress at the Near East University in Nicosia. I had the chance to meet and discuss further collaboration with [rectorate](https://neu.edu.tr/about-us/management/rectorate/?lang=en) reprsented by the rector, Prof. Dr. Tamer ŞANLIDAĞ, vice rector; Prof. Dr. Umut AKSOY, and his advisors; Prof. Dr. Murat SAYAN and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilber UZUN ÖZŞAHİN at the Near East University.
At the World Health Summit, I had the opportunity to participate in key sessions moderated by GLOHRA, such as *Stronger Together: Improving Research Partnerships with LMICs,* where we heard from influential figures, including parliament members, and sessions like *Bridging Policy and Research: Translating the EU Global Health Strategy into Action* and *Building Success: On the Road to the 'Nutrition for Growth'.*
Despite the difficult circumstances, we are proud to contribute to MICCAI 2024 with a few papers besides being on board the organizing committee of MICCAI 2024 and DeCaF Workshop! looking forward to meeting and interacting with #young #talents at #MICCAI in #Marrakech next week.
I am deeply grateful to the organizers of this symposium for bringing together Syrian and Arab scholars in such a meaningful way. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to present on the topic of collective intelligence, highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary research in shaping a better future. Events like these foster collaboration and inspire innovative solutions that transcend boundaries, and I am honored to be a part of it.
I'm truly honored and excited to be invited to participate in the Helmholtz Annual Meeting 2024. I was particularly inspired by the insightful talk on synaptic transmission by Nobel laureate and Stanford Professor Thomas C. Südhof. His groundbreaking work continues to shape our understanding of neuroscience and opens new doors for innovation in the field. Additionally, the panel discussion led by BMBF Minister Ms. Bettina Stark-Watzinger was highly thought-provoking, especially her emphasis on fostering research and development in Germany. These sessions highlight the critical role of science and policy in shaping our future.
I was fortunate enough to attend and participate at the DAAD PRIME Alumni Seminar where I had the chance to meet and re-connect with PRIME fellows and a couple of colleagues! We exchanged career paths and trajectories and heard several success stories in both academia and industries.