
Organizing a workshop on the Next Generation of AI in Medicine

BigPicture Project

The 6-year EU Funded €70 million project called BIGPICTURE will herald a new era in pathology

Federated Disentangled Representation Learning for Unsupervised Brain Anomaly Detection

Recent advances in Deep Learning (DL) and the increased use of brain MRI have provided a great opportunity and interest in automated anomaly segmentation to support human interpretation and improve clinical workflow. However, medical imaging must be …

FedPerl: Semi-Supervised Peer Learning for Skin Lesion Classification

Skin cancer is one of the most deadly cancers worldwide. Yet, it can be reduced by early detection. Recent deep-learning methods have shown a dermatologist-level performance in skin cancer classification. Yet, this success demands a large amount of …

The Future of Digital Health with Federated Learning

Data-driven Machine Learning has emerged as a promising approach for building accurate and robust statistical models from medical data, which is collected in huge volumes by modern healthcare systems. Existing medical data is not fully exploited by …

Deep Federated Learning in Healthcare

This 5 years Helmholtz funded project to advance the field with Federated Learning algorithms in Medicine (2020-2025)

Deep Federated Learning in Healthcare

This 5 years Helmholtz funded project to advance the field with Federated Learning algorithms in Medicine (2020-2025)

Organizing Committee Member at MICCAI DCL 2020

Invited Talk: Towards Deep Federated Learning in Healthcare

Invited Talk: Towards Deep Federated Learning in Healthcare