Participate at the World Health Summit in Berlin

Oct 13, 2024 — Oct 15, 2024
Berlin, Germany

At the World Health Summit, I had the opportunity to participate in key sessions moderated by GLOHRA, such as “Stronger Together: Improving Research Partnerships with LMICs,” where we heard from influential figures, including parliament members, and sessions like “Bridging Policy and Research: Translating the EU Global Health Strategy into Action” and “Building Success: On the Road to the ‘Nutrition for Growth’.” A few key takeaways from these discussions included the importance of: i) fostering communication that respects diverse cultures, ii) upholding the 3Es—engagement, equity, and ethics—in our partnerships, and iii) delivering impact and ensuring its sustainability in LMIC research collaborations. Moreover, the focus on nutrition for all, especially through affordable diet programs in LMICs, is critical. Capacity building in nutrition, potentially through AI and technology, also emerged as a vital strategy for driving progress.

Shadi Albarqouni
Shadi Albarqouni
Professor of Computational Medical Imaging Research at University of Bonn | AI Young Investigator Group Leader at Helmholtz AI | Affiliate Scientist at Technical University of Munich
