Albarqouni Lab
Albarqouni Lab
Open Positions
Nassir Navab
Digital staining of white blood cells with confidence estimation
ROAM: Random layer mixup for semi-supervised learning in medical images
Semi-Supervised Federated Peer Learning for Skin Lesion Classification
TriMix: Virtual embeddings and self-consistency for self-supervised learning
Unsupervised Cross-Domain Feature Extraction for Single Blood Cell Image Classification
What can we learn about a generated image corrupting its latent representation?
Autoencoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Segmentation in Brain MR Images: A Comparative Study
Autoencoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Segmentation in Brain MR Images: A Comparative Study
Butterfly-Net: Spatial-Temporal Architecture For Medical Image Segmentation
FedPerl: Semi-Supervised Peer Learning for Skin Lesion Classification
Fourier Transform of Percoll Gradients Boosts CNN Classification of Hereditary Hemolytic Anemias
Microaneurysms segmentation and diabetic retinopathy detection by learning discriminative representations
Modeling Healthy Anatomy with Artificial Intelligence for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Brain MRI
Sickle Cell Disease Severity Prediction from Percoll Gradient Images using Graph Convolutional Networks
Multi-task multi-domain learning for digital staining and classification of leukocytes
An Uncertainty-Driven GCN Refinement Strategy for Organ Segmentation
6D Camera Relocalization in Ambiguous Scenes via Continuous Multimodal Inference
Fairness by Learning Orthogonal Disentangled Representations
Uncertainty-based graph convolutional networks for organ segmentation refinement
Seamless Virtual Whole Slide Image Synthesis and Validation Using Perceptual Embedding Consistency
A learning without forgetting approach to incorporate artifact knowledge in polyp localization tasks
An Uncertainty-Driven GCN Refinement Strategy for Organ Segmentation
Attention Based Multiple Instance Learning for Classification of Blood Cell Disorders
Bayesian Skip-Autoencoders for Unsupervised Hyperintense Anomaly Detection in High Resolution Brain Mri
GANs for medical image analysis
Image-to-Images Translation for Multi-Task Organ Segmentation and Bone Suppression in Chest X-Ray Radiography
Inverse Distance Aggregation for Federated Learning with Non-IID Data
On the Fairness of Privacy-Preserving Representations in Medical Applications
Polyp-artifact relationship analysis using graph inductive learned representations
Precise proximal femur fracture classification for interactive training and surgical planning.
Retinal Layer Segmentation Reformulated as OCT Language Processing
ROAM: Random Layer Mixup for Semi-Supervised Learning in Medical Imaging
Scale-Space Autoencoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Segmentation in Brain MRI
SteGANomaly: Inhibiting CycleGAN Steganography for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Brain MRI
Understanding the effects of artifacts on automated polyp detection and incorporating that knowledge via learning without forgetting
Adaptive image-feature learning for disease classification using inductive graph networks
Adversarial Networks for Camera Pose Regression and Refinement
Focal loss for artefact detection in medical endoscopy
Fusing unsupervised and supervised deep learning for white matter lesion segmentation
Graph Convolution Based Attention Model for Personalized Disease Prediction
InceptionGCN: receptive field aware graph convolutional network for disease prediction
Investigation of Focal Loss in Deep Learning Models For Femur Fractures Classification
Learn to estimate labels uncertainty for quality assurance
Learn to Segment Organs with a Few Bounding Boxes
Learning interpretable disentangled representations using adversarial vaes
Learning Interpretable Features via Adversarially Robust Optimization
Learning-based x-ray image denoising utilizing model-based image simulations
Multi-scale Microaneurysms Segmentation Using Embedding Triplet Loss
Perceptual Embedding Consistency for Seamless Reconstruction of Tilewise Style Transfer
Preliminary results of DSA denoising based on a weighted low-rank approach using an advanced neurovascular replication system
Self-attention equipped graph convolutions for disease prediction
Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning with Prototypical Random Walks
Staingan: Stain style transfer for digital histological images
Towards an Interactive and Interpretable CAD System to Support Proximal Femur Fracture Classification
Virtualization of tissue staining in digital pathology using an unsupervised deep learning approach
A photon recycling approach to the denoising of ultra-low dose X-ray sequences
Deep autoencoding models for unsupervised anomaly segmentation in brain MR images
Domain and geometry agnostic CNNs for left atrium segmentation in 3D ultrasound
GANs for medical image analysis
Generalizing multistain immunohistochemistry tissue segmentation using one-shot color deconvolution deep neural networks
Generating highly realistic images of skin lesions with GANs
Multiple device segmentation for fluoroscopic imaging using multi-task learning
Scene coordinate and correspondence learning for image-based localization
Weakly-supervised localization and classification of proximal femur fractures
When regression meets manifold learning for object recognition and pose estimation
X-ray Depthmaps: Revealing the Hidden Structures
Automatic classification of proximal femur fractures based on attention models
Semi-supervised deep learning for fully convolutional networks
X-ray in-depth decomposition: Revealing the latent structures
X-Ray PoseNet: 6 DoF pose estimation for mobile X-Ray devices
Aggnet: deep learning from crowds for mitosis detection in breast cancer histology images
Cathnets: detection and single-view depth prediction of catheter electrodes
Playsourcing: a novel concept for knowledge creation in biomedical research
Single-view X-ray depth recovery: toward a novel concept for image-guided interventions
Structure-preserving color normalization and sparse stain separation for histological images
Gradient projection for regularized cryo-electron tomographic reconstruction
Structure-preserved color normalization for histological images